Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Racecourse Mainly status and win/loss

Many people say that horse racing is a legalized gambling. Anyone gamble is right. Similar things in that it is a race for money, there are bicycle races and horse racing, Macau dogs, and Japanese auto races.  In 2014 and 2015, the Let’s Run Park Cup Open Tournament was also held. I am doing a lot of social return business, so I think it’s a big difference from other gambling. To get to the point, today, the racetrack mainly wins or loses depending on the condition. 

This is the third story. For a racehorse, you can see that the condition and direction of victory and defeat depend on the role of the trainer. The assistant teacher can give various explanations at any time if called by the judges. The explanation is that his racehorse cannot run mainly when it is not in good condition.Also, if he won when he wasn’t in good condition, when he came up with a second-class horse that he hated being heavy, the assistant teacher always said that he was also surprised that it won’t actually take a little money.

Tutors trick judges with their advanced skills, and because horse racing is always uncertain, judges don’t know what to believe. Before deciding whether a racehorse today mainly hates the bad condition or the racetrack itself, you must consider the past race performance and think about the following problems.

Like the racehorses that have always run on the racetrack, some of them have low-level and advanced horses, and racehorses from large racetracks are always superior to horses running on small racetracks. Even though the latter runs in the same class and has a fast race record, you lose. Race speed performance is unbelievable to compare what was recorded at different racetracks, and it is pointless to compare racehorses that ran at different distances. 

The racing speed score described in the Daily Racing Form is as follows. The race speed recorded in the last race is a comparison of what each racehorse ran on the racetrack at the beginning of a certain race season. Mainly, the time is set at 100 and it is used as a standard. If the same time is recorded in this way, it is marked as 100. Each racehorse is deducted by 1 point when it is 0.2 seconds behind the standard time. Therefore, if a racehorse is 2.2 seconds late, the score is 89 points minus 11 points from 100 points. 1 point (0.2 seconds) is subtracted according to the car lost in Gyeongju. That way, if a racehorse runs in a 6f race and loses 4 horses at 1 minute and 11 seconds (assuming 1 minute and 10 seconds as 100), this racehorse time will be 1 minute 11 seconds 8 and the race speed score will be 91 points. .

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